The Upside Fund for Families in Need
Helping People with Medical Debt

Helping People with Medical Debt
The Upside Fund, founded by Lindsey Stirling, was created to help fund and advocate for causes aligned with Lindsey’s values, passions, and pillars of service. The Upside is currently focused on supporting people in need of assistance to pay off medical debt.
Since its founding in 2020, The Upside has helped eliminate over $15 million in medical debt through its strategic partnerships.
A note from Lindsey:
Hello my friends and fans. I started this fund to help families in dire need of support during this crisis. Since its start, I’ve received so many amazing notes from fans asking about how they can help this mission. I’m happy to say that we’re now ready to take in donations and channel them directly to families that need immediate help. Any amount that you can spare would be a tremendous help for those in need. Please click donate above!
"Thank you, Lindsey Stirling Upside Fund, for your support. I am forever grateful that you have chosen to provide this financial support for me and my grandparents. This takes a ton of weight off my chest. You are all my angels and words can not describe how much love I have for all of you." - A
"I want to say thank you so much this such a huge weight lifted all my shoulders and I definitely will help out myself when I am in a better position to do so, I have been a huge fan of yours for years." - V
"To be completely honest I’m not even sure I can explain how much this money means to me. After losing 90% of my belongings due to the pandemic, I really had given up. I was actually on facebook to delete my account when I saw the post and just decided “why not?”. With the money given I should be able to get new clothes, get cleaned up and hopefully get a job really quickly to get back on my feet and get off the street. Seriously, thank you." - T
To Donate by Mail
Please make check payable to: Community Partners FOR "The Upside"
If mailing via USPS:
Community Partners
P. O. Box 741265
Los Angeles, CA 90074-1265
If mailing via a delivery service (e.g. UPS, FedEx, DHL):
Bank of America Lockbox Services
Lockbox #741265
2706 Media Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90065-1733
The Upside Fund is a project of Community Partners, a nonprofit charity exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.